Immigration and Customs Enforcement says it plans to procure Viken Detection’s handheld HBI-120 X-Ray imaging device to screen for contraband. ICE says acquiring the HBI-120 will keep it compatible with Customs and Border Protection, which also uses the device. ICE says the 120 keV energy used in the HBI-120 allows to penetrate steel up to 3.1 mm, noting that a competitive device offered by OSI Systems [OSIS], the MINI Z, uses 70 keV and cannot penetrate steel. “This major shortfall would result in only non-metallic surfaces such as tires and upholstery areas such as seats being inspected,” ICE says. “This lack of technical ability is a detriment to the mission of” the Department of Homeland Security and ICE Homeland Security Investigations. As Drug Trafficking Organizations are becoming more creative in designing specially fabricated hidden compartments within the steel structure of automobiles, the HBI-120 is the only acceptable device.”
Science Applications International Corp.
[SAIC] has received a follow-on task order from the Department of Homeland Security Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office to continue providing systems engineering support services until a new competition for these services is completed. The value of the award, which covers a six-month base period and two three-month options, was redacted. The original contract was to Engility, which was acquired by SAIC.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement says it plans to award a contract to Cellebrite, Inc. for universal forensic extraction devices and training services worth between $30 million and $35 million over five years. The devices are for Homeland Security Investigations, Division 4, Cyber Crimes Center.