Australia’s Department of Defence yesterday said it has selected five Preferred Industry Partners (PIPs) to provide application services.

The companies are: Accenture Australia Holdings LimitedBAE Systems Australia; CSC Australia Pty Ltd;  IBM Australia Limited; and Hewlett Packard Australia Pty Ltd.

The change is a significant milestone in Defence’s strategy to improve the Department’s performance in delivering Information and Communications Technology (ICT) capability as part of the Strategic Reform Program, MoD said in a statement.

Defence has traditionally struggled to achieve timely and cutting edge ICT solutions due, in part, to procurement and approval processes that fail to keep pace with technological advances. To improve Defence’s ability to deliver contemporary solutions, the Applications Managed Services Partnership Arrangement (AMSPA) has been established.

Traditionally, procurement and approval processes lagged technological advances, thus the creation of AMSPA to achieve timely and cutting edge ICT capability.

The PIP is expected to create efficiencies by leveraging industry experience and innovation to further the Department’s ICT reform program by rapidly sourcing application development, systems integration and sustainment capability.

As Defence’s demand for ICT services continues to grow, these partnerships are expected to enable services to be rapidly sourced within a commercial framework that ensures value for money and reduces risks to the commonwealth.

The PIPs will gain an insight into Defence business enabling them to play a strategic role in project development, suggesting innovative solutions and helping to inform management decisions.