TSA Issues RFI for Computed Tomography Integration with STIP

The Transportation Security Administration’s Checkpoint Property Screening System program office has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to determine an adequate timeline for industry to implement the agency’s Security Technology Integrated Program (STIP) and related cyber security and information technology requirements for new checkpoint computed tomography (CT) carry-on baggage scanners. The CPSS program expects to introduce a new requirement for CT systems to be integrated with and capable of operating with STIP protocols and procedures, enabling rapid deployment of updates, real-time reporting, and other advantages. Notice ID: TSA25-04-3642. Contact: Jacqueline Thring, [email protected]


DHS S&T Seeks Information on Testing ML Algorithms Deployed on Screening Systems

As part of ongoing research, the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate has issued a Request for Information (RFI) related to testing and evaluating machine learning (ML) algorithms deployed on security screening systems. S&T is interested in solutions that can support capabilities in four categories: Identification and Support for Best Practices so that test personnel have greater confidence that an algorithm subject to an adequate training program will be accurate and trustworthy; White-Box Algorithm Verification, which is technologies that enable the ability to examine the weights and biases associated with nodes of certain ML algorithms to allow test personnel and system developers to pinpoint deficiencies in a training regime; Black-Box Algorithm Verification, which are technologies that provide similar explanatory information as white-box verification tools but do so without the benefit of access to internal nodes of the ML algorithm; and Methods to Augment and Synthesize Data for Training and Testing, which are solutions that support the creation of augmented data or completely synthetic data that test personnel can used to increase confidence in the assessment of an algorithm’s probability of detection. Notice ID: DHS-TST-FY22. Respond by Oct. 29. Contact: Jenista Tobias, [email protected].

DHS Conducting CUAS Market Survey

The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate is reopening its survey of the counter-unmanned aircraft system (C-UAS) market and seeks information from manufacturers on their current or developing components and systems. S&T is working through Sandia National Laboratories to solicit the C-UAS information, which will provide greater awareness of current status and capabilities across industry and will inform efforts to match suitable capabilities against needs across government for acquisition and deployment decisions. The market survey consists of a questionnaire to collect technical information. DHS and Sandia previously conducted a C-UAS survey in 2018/2019. The questionnaire is at: https://www.sandia.gov/2021-cuas-market-survey/. Respond by Dec. 17. Contact: [email protected].

CBP Surveys Rapid DNA Market

Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Field Operations and Border Patrol have issued a Request for Information as part of market research to gain a greater understanding of the full range of options for Rapid DNA instruments, services, support, training and reachback. CBP says that Rapid DNA services and support is a new requirement to allow it to “perform Rapid DNA testing at field locations in an effort to determine a biological parent-child relationship between children and adults crossing our borders to comply with a court order.” Notice ID: 2022RDNA. Respond by Nov. 4. Contact: Calynda Baines, [email protected].